My Purpose

I'm here to craft a sacred space where trust and support weave the threads of connection and shared experiences into a tapestry of personal revelation. Together, we embark on a journey.

As I guide ceremonies and sacred circles, my deepest hope is that we embrace our true selves, and find comfort in our space of authenticity that radiates from within. In the embrace of our commonalities and differences, it’s my hope that our light becomes a catalyst. And that in our collective sparkle and shine, that the beauty within us encircles the world.

I invite you to join me on this transformative path, where your authentic self is not just celebrated—it's the guiding star.

I Am

I’m a teacher, facilitator, ceremonialist, intuitive and healer, wisdom seeker, world traveler, and global citizen.

More than two decades ago, my journey into the world of sacred circles began with a gathering on a tiny island in the Caribbean Sea. I found myself among a diverse group of women from across the globe. We shared a bond that transcended borders and backgrounds. Every week, for two years, we gathered to teach and learn, each of us taking turns leading and following on a collective dance of growth.

My life's tapestry has been woven with the threads of over 2,000 hours spent in sacred circles. My path has been illuminated by Wise Ones from around the globe, from whom I’ve received trainings in unique healing modalities and teachings.

Today, my journey has led me to a place that defies categorization. 

I've moved beyond any singular healing technique and embrace guidance from a boundless Universal Source. In my 1-1 sessions and group work, I invite this ever-present Source to elevate our personal and collective experience.

A passion lies in the art of facilitation, in guiding and supporting individuals as they unlock their potential, reclaim their power, and rediscover the truth of who they are.

Lately, I've felt a calling to do more for the collective, for the greater 'us.'

It's within the safe cocoon of a small, nurturing circle that our innermost essence begins to emerge. As it's seen, nurtured, and celebrated within our sacred container, it blossoms into a spirit of love and acceptance that extends far beyond our circle and into our shared world.

My roots run deep in the world of intuition and the unseen.

My grandmother, a tea leaf reader, gifted me the knowledge that there is a world beyond the one we see and touch. This unending connection to the mystical informs every aspect of my life.

My P.A.R.T.I.S. Promise

Protective: I ensure emotional safety by maintaining confidentiality and establishing appropriate boundaries.

Accurate: I distinguish personal opinions, beliefs, or speculations from information backed by third-party scientific research.

Respectful: I foster an environment where opinions can be freely expressed without fear of humiliation, ridicule, shame, or physical abuse in both group and one-on-one settings.

Truthful: I provide accurate information about degrees, credentials, and experience.

Integrity: I live and practice the concepts being taught, demonstrating their value and effectiveness.

Safe: I minimize harm in interactions and clearly explain any potential risks.


Shamanic Practitioner

Reiki Master
Theta Healing, Advanced DNA Level Practitioner
9 Rights of Munay-ki
Angel Card Reader

Hypnotherapy Training
Oneness Blessing Giver

Sacred Circle Facilitator (Sisterhood Circles)

International Retreat Organizer & Leader

Ceremonialist: weddings, recommitments, baby blessings, & end-of-life blessings

Yoga Teacher, 200 hours

Instructional Designer

A.S, Occupational Therapy

B.S, Anthropology & Sociology

Very grateful for experiences & direct teachings from numerous Wise Ones around the world & beyond.

I want to share with you that it's important to be an informed consumer, especially when exploring personal growth, wellness, spirituality, and coaching programs. Many of these programs (coaching, yoga, Reiki, and other specialized healing modalities or divination tools) offer "certifications" that might be endorsed by just the person running the program or labeling their brand rather than by a recognized authority.

A word about plant medicine: While plant medicines can offer benefits, they also carry risks. If considering psychedelics, especially, be wary of self-proclaimed experts who may lack proper knowledge or credentials. Sourcing is important. Pre-preparation and post-integration assistance is important. Safe serving of psychedelic plant medicines in a traditional (non-medical model) method requires 2-3 years or more of mentoring and training, directly supervised by an experienced curandero or shaman specializing in a particular medicine. If you need help with integration, please reach out to me.

Always consult with a reputable healthcare professional to ensure these remedies are safe and appropriate for your needs.

I would like to hear from you.

Please reach out to me.