What is cacao anyway?

Cacao is a pure, raw form of chocolate derived from the seeds of the cacao tree. It is the primary ingredient used to make chocolate.

How is cacao different from cocoa or hot chocolate?

While both come from the cacao bean, cacao is minimally processed and retains more of its natural nutrients compared to cocoa or hot chocolate which undergoes higher heat processing. Cacao is considered a superfood.

What happens in a Cacao Ceremony?

You’ll experience a guided meditation, intention setting, music, and community.

Why do a Cacao Ceremony?

What emerges from a cacao ceremony is unique to you but many report:

clarity about concerns

deep peace & relaxation

feelings of lightness through release of unresolved emotions 

expanded feelings of love for yourself & connection with others

Can pregnant or breastfeeding people participate?

Just to be extra careful, consult with your healthcare professional.

Are there any contraindications or side effects to be aware of?

 Cacao is generally safe but if you have a heart condition or use certain medications, consult with your healthcare professional.

Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.